National Groups
Tap into the national homeschool movement by connecting with these national homeschool groups and support organizations.
National Groups
African American Homeschool Network
The African-American home school movement is growing; however there is a lack of on-line networks. This FB Community is a prelude to the collaborative effort to create a membership site. Its main function will be to support, encourage, and promote African American Homeschool families. Including curriculum selection and co-op group start up in your local communities.
National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network (NATHHAN)
NATHHAN (NATional cHallenged Homeschoolers Associated Network) is a Christian, non-profit organization dedicated to providing encouragement to families with children with special needs that are homeschooling. They publish an online or hard copy quarterly newsletter. They also publish a family directory, updated each year. They have a large lending library by operated by mail.
National Black Home Educators Resource Association (NBHERA)
The National Black Home Educators Resource Association (NBHERA) is a resource network founded by Eric and Joyce Burges in July 2000. This association encourages, supports, and offers fellowship to families who are exploring benefits of home education. NBHERA was created to serve the African American community by providing assistance with information about getting started homeschool, networking/connecting veteran families with new families, recommending resources such as books, music, films, speaking information, curriculum, etc. NBHERA’s mission endeavors to empower parents to educate their children for excellence.
National Alliance of Secular Homeschoolers (NASH)
The National Alliance of Secular Homeschoolers (N.A.S.H.) was born out of the realization that secular homeschoolers, lack a strong, organized, and influential voice to advance the imperatives of the secular homeschooling movement while advocating for secular homeschoolers. N.A.S.H. is organized by secular homeschoolers, for secular homeschoolers. They are led by a team of volunteers, including a Board of Directors, all of whom are dedicated to the advancement of secular homeschooling.
Home School Foundation
The Home School Foundation is a supporting organization of the Home School Legal Defense Association. Their mission is to preserve parental freedoms, promote home schooling, provide assistance to needy home schooling families, and support like-minded organizations. They currently help families through seven funds: the Widows Fund, the Special Needs Children’s Fund, the Friends of Home Schooling Fund, the Generation Joshua Fund, the Compassion Fund, the PHC Scholarship Fund, and the Members Helping Members Fund.
Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes (TORCH)
Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes (TORCH) is an association of lay faithful established to promote homeschooling among Catholic families and to support those families who are engaged in providing their children's primary education at home. This is a national organization with several chapters around the country.
Home School Foundation
The Foundation's mission is to preserve parental freedoms, promote home schooling, provide assistance to needy home schooling families, and support like-minded organizations. The Home School Foundation is a supporting organization of the Home School Legal Defense Association. In June 2001, the Foundation replaced the Home School Legal Defense Foundation, initially established in 1992, to promote home schooling and to bless the home schooling movement. They help families through seven funds: the Widows Fund, the Special Needs Children’s Fund, the Friends of Home Schooling Fund, the Generation Joshua Fund, the Compassion Fund, the PHC Scholarship Fund, and the Members Helping Members Fund.
Alliance for Parental Involvement in Education
The Alliance for Parental Involvement in Education is a nonprofit organization which assists and encourages parental involvement in education, wherever that education takes place: in public school, in private school, or at home. AllPIE offers a newsletter (Options in Learning), annual conferences and retreats, a book catalog, workshops, lending library and more.
National African-American Homeschoolers Alliance (NAAHA)
The National African-American Homeschoolers Alliance was born out of a desire to unite African-American homeschoolers nationally. Launched in January 2003, NAAHA is the only nonsectarian organization for African-American home schooling families. The primary objective of NAAHA is to disseminate home schooling information relevant to African-American homeschoolers or to anyone home schooling African-American children. NAAHA's fundamental mission is to consistently provide the latest and the best home school information and resources for members and online guests to enjoy--from home schooling books and curricula to new African-American support groups and organizations. In addition to being an information clearinghouse, NAAHA also provides free educational advisory help from educational professionals and from those with a degreed knowledge of a particular subject.
Homeschool Social Register
Homeschool Social Register is a free networking service for homeschoolers. Individual homeschoolers can add themselves to lists organized by city, county, and state. The Register also helps you to find other homeschoolers and web sites that share your philosophy or interests.
Featured Resources
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In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child's Multiple Intelligences
Children learn in differing ways. Thomas Armstrong specializes in helping parents identify the unique areas in each of our children that enhance their special way of learning and expressing creativity. This work on multiple intelligences talks about the eight different kinds of multiple intelligences, showing you how to discover your child's particular areas of strength.
TruthQuest History
The TruthQuest History series consists of ten volumes that serve as guides for parent wishing to use real books in their approach to history education. They are full of book recommendations, along with information on the topics of study. There are also writing exercises included in these texts.
Morning by Morning : How We Home-Schooled Our African-American Sons to the Ivy League
Home schooling has long been regarded as a last resort, particularly by African-American families. But in this inspirational and practical memoir, Paula Penn-Nabrit shares her intimate experiences of home-schooling her three sons, Charles, Damon, and Evan. Paula and her husband, C. Madison, decided to home-school their children after racial incidents at public and private schools led them to the conclusion that the traditional educational system would be damaging to their sons’ self-esteem...
Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book Of Homeschooling
The classic work on teaching children at home, updated for today's new laws, new lifestyles, and a new generation of homeschooling parents. Today more than one and a half million children are being taught at home by their own parents. In this expanded edition of the book that helped launch the whole movement, Pat Farenga has distilled John Holt's timeless understanding of the ways children come to understand the world and added up-to-the-moment practical advice. Rather than proposing that pare...
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